What to Know About Oversized Urns

October 24, 2022
cremation services in Milan, TN

Your loved one’s urn after their cremation services in Milan, TN. is a very important item. Not only will it act as a place to display their cremains, but it will also hopefully stay in your family for generations to come. Because of its importance you want to ensue you get an urn that is suitable and fitting for your loved one. This include the style, design, and most importantly, the size.  

While most people may know that urns are available in different styles and designs, they may be less aware that they also come in various sizes. This is important because you want to ensure all of your loved one’s cremains fit easily inside.  

Standard Sized Urns

The standard size for an urn is 150-250 cubic square inches. But what does that mean? Well, each square inch represents each pound your loved one weighed. So for example, if your loved one weighed 180 pounds at the time of passing, they would need an urn that is 180 cubic square inches or more. Therefore, a standard sized urn would work without issue. 

Oversized Urns

But what if your loved one weighed more than this? What if they were above 250? In that case, they would simply need an oversized urn.  The good news is that most urns can be found in an oversized option and most all urn providers have them available.  

Larger “Companion” Urns

If you need a larger urn, such as 400 cubic inches or more, the best urn would be what is called a “companion urn”. These urns have two chambers and are typically made for two people. However, they are being used more and more for just one. This can be a much less expensive option that having a larger, single, custom urn made.  

Where Can I Purchase and Oversized Urn?

There are several places to purchase oversized and companion urns. You can first check with the cremation provider you are working with as they may offer them themselves or be able to provide retailers they work with.  

You can also look online. One place is with online urn manufacturers. Simply check their websites to see their stock. Other third party sites such as Amazon, Etsy and eBay are also good places to check. You can also check with online auction sites as well as online antique stores.  

cremation services in Milan, TN

Considerations When Purchasing Oversized Urn

When making your urn selection, make sure to keep your budget in mind. Oversized urns can be a bit more expensive than standard urns so be aware of the price. Also, as with any urn purchase, consider the material you are choosing and if it is right for the environment the urn will be placed in. If you have questions about this, talk with the urn provider to ensure you are getting the most suitable material.  

After your loved one’s cremation services in Milan, TN. making sure you select the perfect urn can be challenging. However, if you follow these tips and make sure you are getting the right size, this process can be much easier.

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