Ask Your Dad These Questions Before He Passes Away

January 23, 2023
cremation services in Medina, TN

Having conversations about death or cremation services in Medina, TN. is never easy. However difficult, sometimes these conversations still need to be had. This is especially true if you have an elderly dad. As an adult, you want to make sure that his final wishes are handled correctly when he passes. Not only that, but this conversation gives you an opportunity to ask questions about their life and learn more about them before they are gone.

If you are not sure what to ask or where to get started, we have listed some of the top most important questions from medical and health related to knowing more about their past and them as a person. Feel free to use these questions as a type of questionnaire or simply use them as inspiration for questions of your own.

Medical Questions

It is important to know and understand your dad’s medical wishes as well as his current medical information. Questions you can ask to help learn this are:

 - Do you have a DND (do-not-resuscitate order)?

 - Who is your primary doctor?

 - Do you have medical insurance? Who with?

 - Do you want to be an organ donor?

 - Are you currently taking any medications? What are they and what is the dosage?

 - Do you have life insurance?

Final Arrangements

Knowing what your dad wishes for his final arrangements is extremely important as you will want to honor these requests. Make sure you fully and clearly understand what he wants by asking things such as:

 - Have you preplanned any arrangements ?

 - If being cremated, what would you like done with your ashes?

 - What services would you like to have?

 - Where would you like any services to be held?

 - Do you have any specific requests for your services? Readings? Music? Etc.?

 - Do you have any other final requests or wishes?

Personal Questions

During this conversation, it is a perfect time to ask questions about his past. Not only will this make the overall conversation a bit easier for him to get through, but he will also enjoy talking about his life. It will also give you a wonderful opportunity to learn more about his as a person other than just your parent. Some great questions to get things going include:

 - What is your favorite memory from school?

 - Who were your best friends?

 - What were you like as a child?

 - What were you parents like growing up?

 - What hobbies did you have as a child?

 - What are the biggest lessons your learned in life?

 - Is there anything you still hope to accomplish?

 - What are your thoughts on death and dying?

 - What type of legacy do you wish to leave behind?

 - What was your favorite class in high school?

 - What is something you are most proud of?

 - What would you tell your younger self? 

cremation services in Medina, TN

Final Thoughts

As providers of cremation services in Springfield, OR we understand how difficult conversations like this can be. The important thing to remember is even though they may be difficult to get through now, if you don’t have the conversation, the regret you feel once he’s gone will be worse.

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