Keeping Your Loved One’s Gravesite Clean and Well Maintained

February 6, 2023
funeral homes in Bells, TN

Cemeteries and gravesites are often portrayed in movies and such as scary places full of creepy ghouls. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Cemeteries and the gravesites they contain are actual beautiful tributes and memorials to people who were, and still are, loved dearly. These are places where the living visit to feel close and connected to their lost loved ones. As directors of funeral homes in Bells, TN. we understand how important your loved one’s gravesite is and have these tips to help keep it in good condition for years to come.  

General Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

While most cemeteries have a grounds crew that helps keep the area clean, they may not give your loved one’s individual gravesite the care and attention that you can. Therefore it is always a good idea to follow the tips below when visiting your loved one’s site to ensure it is staying in tip top condition.

1. Clear away any debris - Look around an on the gravesite and clear away and debris such as trash, sticks, or other items that do not belong  

2. Clean up leaves - Take a small rake with you and clear the area of any leaves that have fallen. Depending on the extent of the fallen leaves you may need to take a bag or container to put the leaves in. 

3. Healthy grass - Make sue the grass is healthy and watered. Add grass seed to any bare spaces.

How to Clean and Maintain the Headstone

You undoubtedly spent a lot of time and money on your loved one’s headstone when picking it out. This is understandable as it is a monument to them and a way to honor their spirit. Keep it looking nice by keeping it clean and maintained.  

To clean your loved one’s headstone, simply follow the steps below. Depending on what type of material you have chosen, you may use a different cleaning solution. In general, here are a few times of headstone materials as well as the best way to clean them:

- Granite, Slate, Sandstone Headstones

* Soak the entire headstone with clean water. You can do this by using a hose, spray bottle, or pouring water over the headstone with a bucket.

* Use a non-ionic detergent and mix one ounce to 5 gallons of water 

* Use a soft bristled brush and gently scrub the headstone 

* Make sure to rinse completely with clean water

- Marble Headstones

* Start by soaking the stone with water. This can be done by using a spray bottle, hose, or bucket.

* Create a mixture of ammonium hydroxide and water at a 1:4 ratio. Then, using a soft bristled brush apply the mixture and gently scrub the headstone.

* Rinse the headstone thoroughly with water

Always check with your headstone provider to ensure you are using a solution that is appropriate for the material and will not damage it over time. 

funeral homes in Bells, TN

Final Thoughts

Your loved one’s gravesite is a special place to visit and feel close to their spirit and memory. Keeping the site, as well as the headstone, clean and in good condition will ensure you have a nice place to visit for years to come. Simply follow the tips and steps above from directors of funeral homes in Bells, TN. and your loved one’ gravesite will be a place family can visit for generations.

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